Friday, February 26, 2010

Evolution is imminent

And so today I was walking around the mall while waiting for my sister to come.. when I spotted an advertisement fixed on one of the pillars which went

"We are evolving to serve you better"

Oh my god. Is that scary or what? I mean, the first meaning that the word evolve triggers in me is that of the biological sense. Or something like transform. ><

Evolve has many senses, but a number of them are rarely used or even obsolete now. The senses listed below are some of the more common usages.

evolve, v.
5. trans. Chiefly Chem. To give off or emit (gas, heat, etc.) as a product of chemical, physiological, or other internal action; to liberate or disengage from a state of chemical combination. Also intr.
6. trans.
To extract (something implicit or potential); to derive or deduce (a conclusion, law, or principle); to develop (an idea, theory, or system). Also intr.
b. To create or imagine independently, or by a priori reasoning. Freq. in to evolve from one's inner consciousness.
7. a. trans. To generate, develop, or modify by natural processes or gradual alteration, esp. from a comparatively rudimentary to a more highly organized condition; esp. to originate (species of living organism) by gradual modification from earlier forms, to produce or modify by evolution. Chiefly in pass. without reference to an agent.
b. intr. To be transformed from one form into another by a process of gradual modification, esp. from a more rudimentary to a more highly organized condition; esp. (of a species of living organism) to be generated or transformed by evolution.
8. trans. To produce or give rise to (a condition, circumstance, process, etc.) as a natural consequence. Also intr.: to arise.

The poster above is trying to communicate the message that the staff are constantly changing and adapting their service in order to provide better service to the customers each time. However, the use of the word evolve strikes me as odd because it generates weird images of the 'change' process.

I think there could be two possibilities as to why evolve is being used here:
1. Evolve sounds like a more sophisticated word for change
2. They are really evolving, like in 7b, just in a figurative way?

I vote for 1.

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