Sunday, March 14, 2010

Don't you dare.. play punk with me!!

Now what in the world would that mean? I guess non-locals might feel rather bewildered upon hearing this. Before revealing what this actually means, let us see what it would possibly mean in the standard English.

Well, the word punk, after checking out the dictionary, has a large number of associations and social images, some of which I never knew and was pretty shocked to find out. But if the word punk occurs with play, one might link it to something to do with playing of punk music, for example.

5. a. =

PUNK ROCK n. Also: the subculture or style associated with such music.

b. A performer or fan of punk rock; a person who adopts the style or attitude associated with punk rock.
(from the OED)

Google results also show that play punk is associated more with punk music.

However, the meaning that the phrase has in the Singapore context is totally different. To play punk refers to the action of trying to be funny and purposely not being cooperative with the other person. The Singlish Dictionary offers a useful definition for this phrase.

play punk /pung(k), pʌŋ(k)/ v. phr. [(?)] 1 Play the fool. 2 Aggravate, irritate, provoke. 3 Stymie, sabotage; refuse to co-operate.
1 1994 C.S. Chong NS: An Air-Level Story 64 He warned us that we would do better than to chiak chua and ‘play punk’ behind his back. 2 2002 The Coxford English Dictionary 86 play punk. To provoke, irritate or aggravate. I told you not to do it, you still go and do. Don’t come and play punk with me, ah, I tell you first! 2004 Colin Goh The Sunday Times (LifeStyle), 1 August, L16 Restaurants play punk all the time!

I don't think that this usage of the phrase will ever enter the major dictionaries. Its usage is too limited and cultural specific. Once again, we see how the same phrase can actually possess different meanings when placed in various cultural contexts. People will also have different primings of the phrase.

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