Sunday, March 14, 2010

A series of eyebrow raising events: Part 1

Hello all. This is the beginning of a mini series which I will be writing on. It so happened that I made a number of discoveries which are related to one another hence I decided to make them into a series. This is part 1.


The word resurrection jumped out at me immediately. I'm not sure about the rest of you guys but resurrection makes me think of something along the lines of something which was dead/completely ruined and then came back to life.

Making some reference to the Longman and OED..

formal a situation in which something old or forgotten returns or becomes important again:
a resurrection of old jealousies

to bring back an old activity, belief, idea etc that has not existed for a long time:
The Home Office have resurrected plans to build a new prison just outside London.
another failed attempt to resurrect his career

resurrection, n.
3. Revival or revitalization, esp. of a person who or thing which has fallen into inactivity, disuse, or obscurity; an instance of this.

Hmm, I would say that resurrection is an interesting choice of word in this case because though the verb resurrect allows for things (not just people) to be revived, eyebrows don't exactly die do they? What the advertisement probably meant was unshaped eyebrows. So unshaped eyebrows are a total ruin because they have not been maintained and kept in a nice condition, and hence they need to be resurrected?

Still, comparing the usage in the advertisement to the definitions from the dictionary, it does not really fit. Eyebrows are not something which have been forgotten (how do you forget them?!), it is not an old activity, belief, idea etc that has not existed for a long time, nor is it a thing which has fallen into inactivity, disuse, or obscurity (imagine not moving your eyebrows at all, gasp). Therefore, it seems a little strange to talk about resurrecting them.

Eyebrows coming back to life. Scary much?

Stay tuned for the next part..!

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